Rabu, 27 Juni 2012


this song is call Talmidim which make me power full when sometimes i was down. They have not just to sang about the song! i think this is Pray! the awesome pray to God!
they are fearlessly to singing, jump and screaming to shout about God, about how Jesus have forgiven and them saved, although on the general music event. and even they can doing whatever life style likes many another bands who enjoyed by a bliss and while they become famous could joy with whomever ladies they want or anythings. but this band  is call For Today and many more bands likes this have to chose to sings as praying to God whom changes their live.

and this is they're show nu songs church hehehe, they have three albums now and the second and the third are the best album for me, because i can clearly to heard the lyric though just only one up to three tenses every song on both and next part i come to my good friend is call google hehehe, so if you become to curious about the great lyric lets ask google with a song's title for keyword, and you will wow!!!! hehehe

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

bukan hape

oke kita mulai lagi cerita jaman sma yang begitu memukau. ceritanya dimulai waktu gua masih kelas 1, hari itu pelajaran bimbingan konseling BK dan sedenger gua sih lagi ngebahas tentang intelektual gitu. dan gua yang selalu becanda dikelas dan engga perhatiin guru mao ngomong apa aja deh bersama temen sebangku gua, tiba tiba di saat seneng senengnya becanda eh, kita di tegor sama guru nya itu, dan dia nanya sama temen gua "diky!, apa yang dimaksud dengan intelektual..!" wah bahaya bangat waktu itu, dan jelas bangat gua liat mukanya yang ga ngerti apa apa itu malah sok sok mikir segala sambil nunduk nunduk, dia diem aja sambil masang muka sok cari jawaban, tiba tiba dia angkat kepalanya dan kelas gua pun ancur gaduh bangat setelah dia bilang "berhubung saya kurang paham dibidang intelek, maka saya lemparkan saja pada saudara wangky" (wangky nama temen sekelas gua yang laen)